

    致西南医科大学留学生的一封信A letter to all international SWMUers

    发布者:肖洁、李雪茹  时间:2020-05-20 16:43:06  浏览:


    Dear international students:



    Time flies, unconsciously, our winter vacation life has passed for four months. Due to the epidemic situation, many changes have taken place in our lives and studies during these four months. Here, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all students for your understanding and cooperation!



    At present, the epidemic has been effectively controlled in China. The work and life of the Chinese people are gradually returning to normal under the strict prevention and control policy, and the university is also preparing to resume works. However, as the international epidemic is still developing, the time for international students returning to China is temporarily uncertain, so we hope that all students will continue to wait patiently and cooperate actively with online teaching and other related work to minimize the impact of the epidemic on us.



    Many changes took place in our campus during this special winter vacation. The withered and yellow trees in winter have become lush and green for a long time. The row of buildings under construction in front of Huiwen building has also sprung up like mushrooms, and has suddenly appeared in front of people. The scorching heat of summer replaces the gloom of winter, and everything on campus is full of vitality.



    Looking at the changes in the campus, we can't help but think of your lively figures. The enthusiasm and unrestrained spirits in fresher parties, the flamboyant appearance on the green field, the joyful laughter in festivals, the wonderful moments in sports meetings ...



    Since the outbreak of the epidemic, coordinators have always been on the front line of management, insisting on daily reports and zero reports, maintaining daily contact with you, and repeatedly emphasizing the importance of personal protection, answering questions arising from sudden outbreaks, and relieving everyone’s mood. During the most serious epidemic period, the on-duty coordinators insisted on going to the dormitory of international students every day to check the situation of the international students, so as to ensure that their safety and health.



    As of now, we are very relieved to see that all the international students are in good health, and we also deeply appreciate the support and cooperation from you! We hope that in the upcoming days, while doing well in epidemic prevention and control, everyone will insist on learning knowledge according to the arrangement of the university, so as to realize your doctor dream as soon as possible and serve the health of all humanity in the future! We believe that through our perseverance and efforts, the day of the comprehensive victory over the epidemic will finally come.



    Last but not the least, we wish you and your families are in good health, and the university looks forward to the day you return safely! We look forward to your glorious appearance on campus again!




    Southwest Medical University
